We haven't been very festive since for nearly a week we've been the "house of influenza". Both Craig and I even had a touch of it, despite getting flu shots. (Thank goodness we got the shots or we'd feel like we got hit by a bus right about now.)
But last night we got it together and put up the tree and decorations and started to feel a bit more Christmasey.
And I got an early present today from my sweet Emma:
"Mom, I want to learn to knit."
"Really?" I ask non-chalantly--my heart pounding with excitment--she wants to knit!
"Yes, I want to knit."
"Are you sure?" I reply cautiously. "The last time you tried for less than 5 minutes before giving up."
"I'm sure. Teach me."
So, out came the needles (I tried a 5mm circular instead of straights this time) and some red Canadiana yarn (nice, smooth, easily washed if she does actually make something) and off we went. We tried to knit like me--continental style--but she couldn't manage it. This may have been why previous attempts failed. So, I picked up Amy's Knit Wit book and taught her the right-hand method. Emma studied the pictures, gave it a try and it worked!! She knit about 12 rows over 10 stitches (though she took breaks every few rows) and has officially started a scarf for her Curious George.
Now, I'm not envisioning a future filled with trips to the yarn store as a way to bond with my daughter through her awkward teen years or anything (I mean she is only almost-six and her interests vary greatly from minute to minute). But I could tell she liked it. She saw the yarn and needles as something to master. And that's a good start.
That's so cool. Early Christmas present, indeed!
Posted by: cari | December 19, 2004 at 08:31 PM
so lucky to have such a sweet little girl. that picture is a keeper alright!
Posted by: helen | December 19, 2004 at 08:45 PM
Awe!!! What a sweet moment between mom and daughter. :) Our household has been hit by that same bus, sadly I am the worst off. Oye!
Posted by: ~Jo~ | December 19, 2004 at 09:48 PM
Hurray for Emma! I can't think of a lovlier christmas present. What fun!
Posted by: Celia | December 20, 2004 at 01:19 AM
oh, so sweet! what a wonderful way to spend time together. She looks like a pro :-)
Posted by: Shelby | December 20, 2004 at 06:58 AM
You never know - that is the age when I learned and I'm a complete addict. If my mom ever wanted to go to a yarn store I'd be there!
Posted by: larissa | December 20, 2004 at 12:23 PM
oh that's fantastic! quite a gift indeed!
Posted by: froggy | December 20, 2004 at 05:09 PM
So sweet!! What a great gift for Momma. Love the tree too. Glad you guys got your flu shots!
Posted by: Liz | December 20, 2004 at 09:58 PM
okay that is it. I am going to see if my pixie will learn...she's just turned 6..
I think that is sooooo wonderful that she wants to knit!!!! yay!
Posted by: heather | December 21, 2004 at 11:17 AM
She looks so cute! Even if she gets distracted from knitting she could easily come back to it since she sees you doing it. A VERY good start :)
Posted by: Vicki | December 21, 2004 at 12:23 PM
Start 'em young! Love Butterfly, great job.
I wasn't too sure about it when I first saw it, but it's grown on me. There's nothing else like it about, which is a must for me!
Posted by: Tracy | December 21, 2004 at 05:57 PM
That's just how old I was, too... You may be in for it now. You won't be able to afford yarn for the both of you in a few years.... hooray!
And your glove is magnificent.
Posted by: Rachael | December 22, 2004 at 07:20 AM
I learned from my paternal gramma and aunts when I was about 10 and was totally frustrated with the ugly, lumpy thing I had, when they were all working on these really gorgeous, consistent-stitch sweater type things-- my cousins, too. My Mom was the odd one of the lot, working on a degree rather than reveling in being a housewife, so she didn't learn herself until about 10 years ago.
My daughter's 10, and for the last four months, she, her best friend and I have been going to the local LYS for a kids' knitting class. It's an 1 1/2 kaffe klatch for the 8 to 12 year old set, and a lot of fun. DD is knitting herself a tubular Ravenclaw scarf on circs as her 3rd project, and my 12 year old son wants a Slytherin scarf of his own badly enough to learn to knit it himself!
Too cool!
Posted by: Karen | December 25, 2004 at 01:53 AM
Even though I showed all my boys how I knit (continental, picking the yarn from the left hand), they all intuitively would pick the stitch and then use one of their hands to wrap the yarn.. is that what you mean by "right handed method"? Like throwing the yarn from the right hand instead of picking it from the left? I'll have to look for the KnitWit book for sure!
My 7 year old is left handed & still doesn't quite "get it" and tried to knit for a while and then got distracted... need to keep trying with him & experimenting with how to knit comfortably.. he was getting fingers tangled in the yarn... he's got the "under the fence" "in we come" "off we leap" parts pretty good...but the "catch the sheep" part in between "under the fence" and "in we come" are where he gets in trouble... we'll just keep trying until he "gets" it...
One of my twins got it right away, the other took about a week of coming back & trying again before he got it..
The twins have both helped with their sock projects & Evan made a tunic for his teddy bear...
Those mittens are wonderful!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Posted by: Jessica | December 25, 2004 at 02:05 AM
Hope you guys feel better soon! My mom taught me to knit when I was about 8. I can imagine how excited you are that Emma has taken to knitting. I have 14 month olds twins and I got very excited Thursday as my daughter grabbed a skein of yarn as I was shopping and wouldn't let go. She rode in the stroller all through AC Moore clutching the Magic Stripes skein. I had to deal with much screaming when the cashier needed it to scan. I'm so hoping that one of the twins becomes a knitter. I'd be elated if both of them are! Oh too much to wish for.
Merry Christmas.
Posted by: Risa | December 25, 2004 at 11:12 PM