I haven't really be hiding, but it feels that way. I caught some sort of bad cold/possibly flu virus that knocked me on my ass for a few days, including Tuesday when I was too sick to pick up the needles and knit anything. Wednesday I was wearing a nice groove into the couch, watching daytime tv (Law & Order re-runs) and got to work on my Vinterblomster mittens.
I went back to work Thursday which proceeded to kick my ass in a whole different way which is why I'm not blogging about my snazzy new mittens until now.
Oh, except for another reason. These are the mittens fresh off the needles. Notice anything?
It might be because I knit the first one six months ago during a very stressful time and the second one in bits and bobs, ending hopped up on cold medicine, but whatever the cause, the result is the second mitten is bigger than the first, which was already a bit bigger than I wanted.
I figured I would try some interventions instead of trying to reknit them. First, I wet the big mitten and dried it slowly and carefully in the dryer. It worked well and it shrunk to the same size as the first mitten. For a day. When I wore it, it grew back to its original side.
So I went for drastic measures.
Since both mittens were a bit big, I threw them in the wash and felted them. Not a total, no stitch definition felting, but a light fulling.
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